HRT Services

Patient Room
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Patient Room

Hormone Replacement for Men and women

Bioidentical hormone replacement pellet therapy is very effective in treating both men and women in treating symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Some of those symptoms may include insomnia, loss of energy, anxiety, depression, migraine headaches, low libido, loss of muscle tone, inability to concentrate, brain fog, and many more. For women we use in all-natural sub-dermal pellet that is made of testosterone and estradiol that usually last anywhere from 3-6 months. Men will only receive the bioidentical testosterone.

Nurse working in patient room

Deficient Hormones

Testosterone is a vital hormone in both men and women that helps feel youthful and give the energy you want. Women begin to become deficient of testosterone in their young 40’s on average due to the aging process. This can also happen sooner if the women have surgery to remove her ovaries. Men begin losing their testosterone on average in their 50’s.

Estradiol is the other ingredient to women’s hormones in which we replenish. Loss of estradiol occurs due to age and or surgical removal of the ovaries. Low estradiol symptoms in women may include, hot flashes, depression and anxiety, weight gain, migraines, insomnia, low libido, vaginal dryness and more.

Sophia Tiefenthaler and Judy Stith

Why Do I need Hormone Replacement?

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    Increase energy

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    Help insomnia

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    Thicken hair

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    Protect against osteoporosis, dementia, diabetes, and heart disease

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    Improve physically

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    Help muscle tone

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    Help with belly fat

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    Look and feel younger

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    Regain loss of libido

Pellet Q &A

No, Unfortunately not. Insurance companies do not consider hormone pellet therapy as an accepted form of treatment that is covered. We do accept HSA cards, credit cards, or check.

Yes, The blood draw does go through your insurance.

Cost of hormone replacement (3-4 times per year)

Consultation fee: $50 (waived if you get pellets that same day)

Female pellet insertion: $400

Male Pellet insertion: $500

Blood test. All our patients have a full panel of labs drawn. We understand that the body works together as a whole. Therefore, we test your adrenal, sex, and thyroid hormones in addition to a complete blood count.

The main reason we do pellet therapy here is because of the bioidentical aspect. Bioidentical meaning that your body has a pathway way in which the hormones are metabolized through. When your body receives synthetic hormones, it travels through a different pathway and can cause harm to your body.

Pellets are placed sub-dermal in the fat tissue of your hip area and dissolve over time. Because of their effective system of delivery, both women and men feel better on pellets than on other hormone therapies.

Pellets are inserted in the upper gluteal subcutaneous tissue. There is a 3mm incision that is made and covered with steri-strips after the insertion. 

You’ll need to abstain from lower body work outs, steams, pools, and bathtubs for 3 days. Besides that, you can function normally.

Pellets last somewhere between 3-6 months depending on your metabolism. Each patient is different. We recheck lab work 6 weeks after your insertion to reevaluate your body’s response in correlation with how you’re feeling. Those results will give us an idea of when you’d need a replacement and how to adjust your dose for the next insertion.

Pellets can take up to 3 - 4 weeks for the patient to begin feeling relief from symptoms and to feel the full effect. This will depend on how depleted your hormones are from the beginning. Ideally, pellets are to be reinserted every 3-6 months before the symptoms reoccur. 

Bio-Identical means the pellet metabolizes inside the body the same pathway as the hormones we produce in our body.

Some patients experience a change in their hair, acne, and hair growth. If you’re experiencing any of these- there are medications we prescribe to counteract them. Just reach out!

No, Hormone Replacement Therapy does not cause cancer. However, it is imperative your checked out prior to coming in. Women must be current on their pap exam and mammogram. Men must be current on their prostate exam.

Convenience. Once the pellets are implanted- they last between 3-6 months. Female patients with a uterus will need to take progesterone at bedtime. Otherwise, once your pellets are inserted, you’re good to go for a few months without having to remember anything!

This is individualized based on your metabolism. We recheck labs 6 weeks after your insertion to re-evaluate hormone levels. From those results we can estimate when you’d be depleting in addition to your symptoms creeping back.

It does take some patience and time to get your HRT dose and time in-between insertion figured out for you. After the first insertion, we recheck your hormone levels and discuss your symptoms. Once any symptoms return- you need to redo your pellets. The second pellet is usually repeated in 4 months to keep you returning back to zero hormones. Always reach out with symptom issues or any side effects you notice.

You are a candidate for pellet hormone therapy if you meet the following criteria:

Females - Pap & Mammogram within the last year

Males - Prostate Exam within the last year

No history of cancer in the breasts or prostate.

If you are a good candidate for pellet hormone therapy and you are ready to get started, just follow the instructions below! We're ready to help you in your health journey today!

Sophia Tiefenthaler, RN
Sophia Tiefenthaler, RN
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New Patient set-up and coordination

Sophia Tiefenthaler, RN, Patient Coordinator can help you set up an appointment after you have completed the paperwork requirements listed below.


What Clients Are Saying

“The Smart age has brought control of my body back to me!  For years I felt like I was losing control of my body, no matter how hard I worked out, ate well, slept, supplemented, meditated, etc… positive results just weren’t there. Then along came Judy to my rescue.  With close analysis of my system & how it was functioning or not, the recommendations I received literally changed my life within 2 months. My body works again like it should! When I work out, eat well & have life balance, I see results. Couldn’t be happier.”

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Changed my life!

“I started pellet therapy with Smart Age a little less than a year ago after experiencing all the unpleasant effects menopause for over a year. The morning following my first pellet therapy was the first time I woke up without a migraine in several months and my hot flashes were gone.

Judy and Sophia didn’t just hear my complaints, they listened and heard them.  I am forever grateful to be given back my drive to be healthy again and I feel like myself again!! I look forward to working out and challenging myself to be better every day. I can’t tell enough people, men and women, about my great experience”.

Given back my health!

"22 years ago is when I first met Judy and started HRT.  It was easily one of the best decisions of my life!  Judy closely monitors all my hormones - including my thyroid - which has also been a huge blessing.  Prior to receiving the treatments, I wasn't sleeping well, had brain fog and was just generally tired - ALL THE TIME - to name of few of my issues.  The whole experience has changed my life in such a positive way - I now have the energy and stamina to experience what I want in life. I wholeheartedly recommend Judy and her team at Smart Age!!!"

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Energy & Stamina!

"So I have known JUDY for almost 20 years and I am so thrilled for her business and how well she goes about it and how well her patients are treated. Getting an appointment is incredibly easy and the service provided by her office is excellent. I love her for what she’s doing and for how much she is helping the people she serves :-)"

Excellent service!

"I have been doing Smart Age for 7 years now and it is amazing what it does for me! My only regret is I didn’t know about this sooner. Judy and Sophia are very much there for you with answers to your questions and very concerned about my health and wellness."

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Questions answered!


Lisa K.

Are you ready to get started?

Our team will work with you to answer any questions and help you get started on a path toward feeling your best self!

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